You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to 2006......

I hope your entry into the new year was a lot more eventful than mine. I was invited to a party not far out of town, 20 adults and 16 children and me. With the majority of the conversation about either mortages or children, I really had very little to add.....gave me a small glimpse of perhaps what my life would have been like had I of not jetted off to the rat race. My lift hurt his shoulder early in a game of pool...I know, what the?!?....and I was home at Wandal by 10.30pm. I am very embarrassed to admit that I fell asleep on the couch and work up at 12.16am, having missed the whole thing....must be all that heavy labour that I'm not used to.Other than that.....I have finished one room....only 4 and a half to go. Started on the master bedroom and will get back into it tomorrow, as I gave myself NYE and new years day off. I have also discovered that our local does great pizzas and that the bakery at Wandal does a fantastic caramel slice.....its the small things that keep me going.Happy New Year........and all the best will those resolutions.


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