100 Things about me
I've seen this on other blogs, so thought I would give it a try....took me about 3 weeks to finish this list.....was much harder than I thought it would be.
1. I am an only child.
2. My mother is also an only child.
3. We are both Aries (birthdays two weeks apart) but couldn’t be more different.
4. My first name is hyphenated because my mother and grandmother had a fight about what my middle name should be.
5. My middle name is May (as in the month of).
6. My mother bought a dog a few months before I was born (practice maybe?). We grew up together. He was a dalmation cross called Poncho.
7. I have played hockey since I was 7.
8. My favourite hockey position is centre half.
9. I grew up in my Grandparents house.
10. When I was upset as a kid I used to climb the tree in our backyard.
11. When my grandfather died, I climbed the tree and wouldn’t come down.
12. I have a scar under my chin (three stitches) from practicing diving in the bath when I was about 8.
13. The first boy I kissed was Lindsay Smith. It was Grade 7 Break Up day. I never saw him again.
14. My first job was helping at the commercial laundry where my mother works. I hate going there now.
15. I went to a private high school on scholarship.
16. I went to the Formal with Gunua Dane, a really hot PNG guy. I was the only one game enough to ask him.
17. My first proper job was for Best and Less (who still don’t have scanners). I was hardly ever allowed to be on the registers and spent most of my time in Manchester.
18. I failed my first driving test because I almost crashed the driving school car, right outside the testing centre.
19. I have only been out of Australia once, but have travelled most of Queensland.
20.My first real boyfriend’s name was Wayne Bennett.
21. I moved out of home when I was 18.
22.My first car was a white KB Ford Laser.
23.I have had 4 cars – 2 were written off and one was taken off the road for not being road-worthy.
24.I am related to two Australian Olympians.
25.I have been engaged once.
26.I have never been a bridesmaid.
27.I haven’t had a pet in 4 years.
28.I won a Geography Bursary when I was in Year 12.
29.I have had long hair most of my adult life.
30.I have never been asked to be a godmother.
31. I have been in an ambulance twice – once after being hit in the head with a hockey stick and once after a motorcycle accident.
32.The biggest scar I have is from my left knee reconstruction in 2004.
33.I have only ever broken one bone in my body – my left little finger.
34.I once had two head injuries at hockey in the space of three weeks – hospital attendance both times. I got quite good at head injury questions.
35.I always receive compliments about my hair because it is long and dead straight. I hate it because it makes my ears stick out.
36.I drive a Nissan Vector Viscus LSD – Number 69 of 200.
37.I have never been sacked from a job.
38.I have never been unemployed.
39.I don’t mind washing or folding clothes but I hate putting them away.
40.My favourite colour is red.
41. I have at least 10 matching bra and knickers sets.
42.I can’t stand dirty light switches or when the toilet paper is put on back to front.
43. I have worn glasses since I was 14 and contacts since I was 20.
44.My eyes are blue but I have a small brown spot in my right eye.
45.I have never been thrown out of a pub, I have however been asked to leave.
46.I have never lived by myself.
47.I can type at a registered speed of 77 words per minute.
48.I have been arrested once.
49.When I feel out of control I write lists.
50.I have a fabulously organised Tupperware cupboard.
51. If you took me to a bar and told me I could order anything I wanted, I would order a Crown Lager.
52.When I worked for Eagle Boys, I used to dress up as Aussie Eagle and wave at traffic.
53.I can’t stand cane toads and squeal if they come near me.
54.I have one tattoo which I got when I was 18.
55.I have two piercing holes in my right ear. The second one I did myself. I haven’t worn an earring in it in years but it still hasn’t closed over.
56.I have a heart murmur.
57.I didn’t start smoking till I was 19 and moved to Brisbane.
58.The first thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a hairdresser.
59.Is the number of my grand parents house.
60.As a kid, I used to sit at the bar of my Grandad’s local with him and drink raspberry and orange juice. Made me feel really mature coz it was like a tequila sunrise without the tequila.
61. I never ate tomato till I was about 25.
62.I had to watch the Matrix twice before I understood it properly.
63.I love the Muppets and Fraggle Rock. Basically anything with Jim Henson puppets.
64.I never understood why no one could see Mr Snuffleupagas.
65.At pre-school my symbol was the pansy. There was a sticker of a pansy where I put my port and where I hung my face washer. My mum told the teacher I loved pansies, she was right and I still do.
66.The smell of honeysuckle reminds me of my Great Grandparents house at Depot Hill.
67.I always eat what I least like on a plate first, leaving my favourite thing until last.
68.I have an unnatural love of my couch. In fact it’s probably the only piece of furniture I wouldn’t part with, although I do like my bedroom suite very much.
69.I keep thinking that I could easily fill this list up with sexual stuff, but realise that my work collegues might read it.
70.My favourite book is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett. In fact it’s the only book I have read more than once.
71. I had read Lord of the Rings long before there was a movie.
72.My 21st was a Hookers and Deviates party – I went as Pocacuntis
73.I am allergic to Cold Power, Pamolive Gold and rubarb – I know what the?!?
74.I have only been snow skiing once, but it really did nothing for me.
75.I actually like lime flavoured milk.
76.Was the year I was born.
77.Mobile phone should actually be removed from my person after about 4 or 5 beers.
78.I sang on stage with Peter Allen at the Warana festival when I was about 9.
79.If I say I am going to do something I do it.
80.My favourite quote is: Real friends stab you in the front.
81. I have started 3 university degrees and one associate diploma but have never finished any of them.
82.I have studied a semester of Childcare.
83.I love pistachios……roasted and salted but especially pistachio gelati.
84.When I am upset I have a Turkish Delight. I eat all the chocolate off, then eat the jelly.
85.I don’t know how to connect a TV, video or DVD.
86.I like abseiling but hate rock climbing.
87.I have never been in a hot air balloon.
88.I have never had a threesome or kissed a girl.
89.I seriously want to travel to India and Egypt.
90.My one regret to date is that I haven’t travelled enough.
91. I am incredibly cynical and have been referred to has “the bitter old spinster”
92.I have loads of nicknames: Sully, Sunshine, Ferret, Kid, Blur, Spacey
93.I support the Brisbane Lions (AFL) and the Wests Tigers (NRL).
94.I like my coffee with milk but no sugar.
95.I love good Indian food. Emphasis on “good”
96.I have recently started writing poetry again.
97.I love stationery…..beautiful paper and beautiful pens.
98.I keep a handwritten journal as well as a blog.
99.I have a motorbike licence and used to ride a Ducati Monster.
100. I love to laugh.
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