You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Mother Hen!

First of all Happy Birthday to D for yesterday. Hope you had a great day! Sorry I couldn't be there to share it with you, but promise I will shout you some middies when I get back.

Not much to report at this end, having another easy day, just pottering before I undertake the mammoth chore of painting the sun room (biggest room in the house, plus the junk room so lots of dusty bits and pieces to move out). Sorry there hasn't been any house pictures for a while but the batteries are flat in the dig camera (think I accidently left it on).

Moment of Humour: This morning my gran helped by folding up the washing. She had in her hand a delicates bag, which I took back into the bathroom. She asked if I wanted her to fold it up, I said, do you know what it is. Of course she replied, it's to put on your head. A few moments of confusion ended when she told me she thought it was one of the bandanas I had been wearing to keep the paint out of my hair. As yet the paint fumes have not addled my brain enough to make me wear a lingerie bag on my head, but give me time.

Also, have discovered that Where is Todd is on its way to being a complete box of crayons. Earlier this week, Cil sent out one of those get to know you far we have the following crayon colours: red, purple, yellow, green and blue......not a double up yet.

The weather has turned hotter here, since Cyclone Jim left Townsville alone and and headed out to see. No rain about, so prefectly clear days. Am off to the movies to see Walk the Line tonight, even bought a Johnny Cash CD yesterday (it was very, very cheap) to bone up on some of the songs.


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