You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Random Thoughts.....

  1. Why is my profile pushed to the bottom of the page?
  2. When am I going to stop procrastinating and got over the applications for tomorrow's interviews?
  3. Why doesn't anything dry in this house?
  4. Why am I worried about upsetting someone when I can't even remember what I did?
  5. How is it that the out of perspective stuff is always the stuff that people get so agro about?
  6. I wish everyone would just leave me alone sometimes.
  7. God, I want a cigarette!
  8. I really, really should cut my credit card would be good for my soul.
  9. I just don't feel like talking.....
  10. That's it really


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