The Heat is on.....
Well it's stinking....apparently a storm tonight, not much of a breeze around so its damn hot. Assume that I am also more hot due to the fact that I just vacumned and mopped the whole house. Have every window open but.....well.....nothing.
Not much to report really, I still haven't managed to get back into the swing of things. Still want a nanna nap at about 3pm in the afternoon, not having much work to do doesn't help. Still haven't managed to get up the guts to go to group or boxing and face Ron.....might wait till FFM comes back from hols, safety in numbers and all that.
Managed to catch up with C over the weekend (this is the guy I met on NYE, don't want to give him a silly name yet like I've given all the other......hmmmm.....Bus Boy, Church Boy, Bike Boy etc etc etc....the list goes one, coz have always found that as soon as I give them a name it's all he can be just C for now). It was good we just chilled and watched DVDs and the fantastic river view from his apartment. Was extremely impressed to discover that he actually reads, seems so long since I have dated a guy who reads something more substantial that Ralph or Picture and the sports section of the newspaper......very refreshing! Even asked me for recommendations as he wanted to start a new book. Not sure if there's any future here (you'll know as soon as there's not as he'll get a name, in fact have one picked out but am unwilling so say it out loud......hopefully simply thinking of a silly name is not enough to hex the whole thing).
Must remember at some point to catalogue these name as there's always a funny and/or tragic tale to go with.
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