Well my 2006 resolutions are the same as always.....lose weight, quit smoking, save money. Got mum to drop me at the pool this morning on her way to work, swam some laps then walked home. Finished my NYE packet of cigs this morning, so am of course dying for one (literally ha ha). The smoking will be the hardest......when there is nothing to do but paint, a smoke break helps break the monotony......really want to ring mum and ask her to pick a packet up on her way home.......this is typical me....keep moving the goalposts......I will give up when I arrive in Rocky, no no I will give up after Christmas, no wait New Year, or maybe after the painting. Think its coz I don't actually want to give up at all.
Am 1/3 of the way through the master bedroom, have knocked off for a few hours coz it gets the afternoon sun and its way too hot in there. Went out this morning and picked the paint for the lounge, kitchen, sunroom and hall.....vanilla frost for the walls and minestone for the hey.
Keep posted for tomorrow's blog which will most definately see me cave in for a cigarette.
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