You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Or at least that's what the stamp that I scrubbed off my arm yesterday said. Halleluiah, finally a fabulous night out!! For a moment there I thought I was going to turn into a pumpkin, what with no social life to speak of and worst of all no beer. Thankfully the hangover was no where near as bad as it should have been, although Karen would be so upset, as the whole drinking water thing went right out the window. A couple of nurofen and some KFC helped set me on the road to recovery.

On the painting front, only one section left to go in the sunroom (OMG can't believe that I am nearly finished). Moved the piano this afternoon. It was no where near as heavy as I thought would be. Had put it off all afternoon only to discover that I could clumsily move it by myself.

Happy Birthday to Kath - hope you had a great day......haven't got a photo of you to post but maybe Nell could slip me one (perhaps the very attractive one of the PRT team getting sloshed on wine that I understand is being used as part of a current presentation......hope at least its a flattering one of me!)


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