You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Fraser Island - Day One

After 4 or so hours in the Nissan with Leisha impersonating a sardine, we reached Hervey Bay. When at the coast, one must eat Fish and Chips and walk around a bit to regain feeling in their toosh. The ferry ride was quite uneventful, however we did discover the real Thelma and Louise, who found the two of us incredibly interesting and were absolutely fasinated by everything we had to say.

Upon arrive we were bussed to the reception where we were provided with a complimentary drink.......unfortunately not alcoholic. An introduction talk lead by Ranger Dave was interesting....mainly because he was kinda cute. So we got settled in our room (which is at the arse end of the hotel). I will neither confirm not deny how much of the cocktail list was consumed on the first night.....except to say that we now have our own cocktail.....Sex in a Storm, specially made for us by our newest friend John the bartender (shame he needed to tell us all about his recent divorce). Further to say, that I will also neither confirm not deny a vicious rumour that we went skinny dipping in the resort pool......only one poor late night cleaner knows for sure.


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