You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How the hell is all this going to fit in my car?

Started organising all my bits and pieces today, and it suddenly dawned on me exactly how much stuff I have to cart back to Brisbane. Thank God, I have a reasonable sized sedan and not a tiny little two door hatchback.

List includes:
One large (extremely large) suitcase
One small suitcase
One sports bag
Two beauty cases
One very large Hong Kong shopper bag (full mostly of all the books I was going to read while I was here and didn't)
One medium sized sea grass basket
One medium sized plastic basket
One large jewellery box
One occassional table
One box of ceramic canisters (my first ebay purchase)
One fruit box full of CDs
One PC
One storage tin full of candles
Box of 6 wine glasses
One handbag
One backpack
One popple
and me if I can fit!!!!!!!

Holy Heck.........just looking at that list makes me worried!

On a much happier note, got an exciting little package in the mail today.......some MOR bath products......Pistachio flavour (thanks Sutho). Mmmmmmm love pistachio. Love to eat them (very morrish). Pistachio happens to be the colour of my Estimates power suit and most importantly........Pistachio Gelato solves every problem! (Lucky I haven't struck any issues of Gelato proportions since I've been here - wouldn't even know where to find it).

Thank you to all of you who have sent me little care packages while I have been away. Frank, my local Australia Post guy (yes, of course we are on a first name basis) is always pleased to see me (or at least appears to be) - even tried to help me fine the one package that went astray (damn NZ post!).

The bedroom furniture arrives tomorrow......but not doubt I will spend the whole day waiting around for them to arrive. Will give me more time to pack I guess.


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