You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I got chocolates.....

Ok, one chocolate from the lady at Muffin Break with my coffee. But it was a heart so it does count as a Valentine. Couple that with the attached Valentine from the Hoff. Ok, an email from Janeo including a picture of the Hoff. But hey, at least that's better than nothing!!!!

Spent the day cruising round the shops......mmmm......air-conditioning. Bought some lovely wine glasses. Yes, I know, yet another thing to squash into my car for the trip back. Why is it that I always have 5 times as many things to take back to Brisbane than I arrive with.

Thank you all for your lovely emails and texts congratulating me on completing the painting. And no, I have no intentions of returning to Brisbane to paint your house (Adrian Davidson!)


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