You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Fraser Island - Day Three

The rain has well and truly set what better day to do a Beauty Spots tour.....NOT. Lake McKenzie is swimming in a lake that has been filled up with a million bottles of Mt Franklin. So there we were, enjoying a wonderful swim.....trying hard not to look at the frolicing that was going on down the beach a bit.....and in comes the rain. And it just kept on much so that at most spots it was raining so much that we couldn't even get out of the bus. We stopped for lunch at Eurong Resort (on the other side of the island) where we met Troy.....who lined us up as trouble makers straight who were we to disappoint him.

Highlight of the day was a dingo siting.....a young female pushed out onto the track by some ranger to ensure that each guest has something to write home about. Our tour guide Steve was great, very knowledge.....but he did look a bit like a womble in that yellow raincoat.

Even at this time it is STILL raining........the pool is over flowing.........and from here we will make a mad dash to the pub where we like the rain will settle in for the night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my poor poppet, here is the news forcast for the region you are currently in...

"for people in the Southeast Coast district, eastern parts of the Wide
Bay/Burnett district and eastern parts of the Darling Downs and Granite Belt district. Issued at 5:00 pm on Thursday 2 March 2006

Synoptic Situation: At 4 pm, a strong high was located over the southwest Tasman Sea. A small low was centred about 270 kilometres north northeast of Bundaberg, and expected to move southwest to be near Fraser Island Friday morning. Gale force winds are occurring between the two systems.

Damaging wind gusts exceeding 90 km/hr are possible about the exposed coast and elevated terrain.

Large waves on the exposed coast will raise high tide levels above the highest tide of the year. Coastal bars will be particularly dangerous.

Heavy rain will develop along the coast and extend inland overnight, which may produce flash flooding. More general flooding of small coastal rivers and streams is also possible over the next two days.

Conditions are expected to ease north of Fraser Island Friday morning.

The State Emergency Service advises that people in the affected area should: secure loose outdoor items beware of fallen trees and powerlines if near the coastline, stay well away from the water's edge avoid driving, walking or riding through flood waters"

At least it should ease off soon....

Have a dozen cocktails for me.


9:07 PM


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