You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The sickness haze

Just a few minutes of bleeting from me.......have been sick since before my birthday (on the way to three weeks now) and still not getting better, what's the point of modern medicine if it can't cure tonsilbloodylitis!!! As a result and being so vague of late, can bearly plan from one day to the next.....which is exactly why you would put me in charge of the department's most important financial publication of the year.....yeah why not!!

Ppppptttffff! Am over work, want to go back and hang out with Gran and paint walls and stuff......a career change maybe....but to what??? What does a career public servant do after leaving the public service......pity I'm not very arty, could abscond to Byron and paint or something.

Netball tonight, this placing words in the middle of words thing. Will log off soon to finish Crownie; and go and buy softdrink for meeting tomorrow where I am doing a presentation comparing an Estimates brief to a pizza.....don't ask.....all I can say is yes, I get paid to do this.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Well Hello Sailor.....

Have finally got my PC set up in the new place......back in East Brisbane of course!! The box got a head knock on its way back south, so MadDog had to take its lid off and give it a bit of loving. But she's fine now. I have heaps to jot down but not much time to do it as have to pick up Slops soon to head up the coast for a BBQ.

Although important points of back at work, am back at netball, am back at drinking and smoking and staying out much for turning 30 and becoming pure of mind, body and spirit!!