Bipolar or what.....
I again got Markhamed when leaving work this hour later, geez! Although tonight's little convo turned out to be quite interesting. This guy, who I generally think is afraid of me coz I actually know that most of the stuff coming out of his mouth is rubbish and the rest of the branch doesn't, treats me like a minion to do his bidding most of the time, occassionally he speaks to me like I have the mentality of a two year old.
And then every so often he does the complete opposite.....its seems today was an opposite sort of day. Brooksy is leaving on a 10 week secondment back to QT where he came from. That leaves us with a vacant AO8 and a 7-11 Strategic Plan to complete. Now there's an 2xAO7's in the branch me and an older, more experienced woman who's been there longer. I simply assumed that they would give the opportunity to her, no questions asked. However, today I discover Nell has been planting seeds with Brooksy that I would be the perfect candiate to take over in his absense. Not surprising really, Nell and I have a mutual appreciation society.
Imagine my surprise when tonight I also discover, that Marks has been chatting with WW, the Director suggesting that the job should go to me......
Not getting my hopes up.....but its nice to be suggested for positions etc. Just wish I could work out which days Marks loves me and which days he doesn't.
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