You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Still don't really feel on top of things and want everyone to just leave me the hell alone most of the time. Am completely skint due to $1000 worth of power steering rack repairs to nissan and can't seem to make the net banking do what I need it to do to transfer funds etc. Clearly I have a problem though, as I have become one of those people who has no $ to buy a coffee or catch up with mates but have $ to buy cigarettes.......note to self.....stop being so pathetic and quit smoking.

Am trying to juggle two jobs and numerous work issues, sick of talking to people complaining about things........constiuents complaining about fees, or access to courses or not getting funding, staff complaining about other staff, even my mates just complaining about having put on weight or how busy they are etc. Feel like I have spent most of the last two weeks in "2nd Person" if you know perspective positioning and that sort of stuff......spending so much time worrying abut everyone else there's not much left for me really.
