You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Chanelling Margaret Fullton

So it's an hour before everyone turns up to the hand bag party ( and I have just finished tidying the kitchen after cooking:
  • A chocolate swiss roll that was a disaster
  • Cupcakes
  • Salmon and egg rolls
  • Cheese and quince tartlets

All I want to do now is have a big nap, but will need to turn into hostess with the mostess very soon. Am so full from picking at everything I have made today, will most likely just have some champers and then pass out.

Heading to Gerties tonight......I think......tried to confirm our reservation but only got the answering machine, if they haven't got us book then I would happily just stay home.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Huston, broadband has landed.....

Yes, I've joined, I'm on, I'm live........I am typing to you from broadband right now. Ok, I realise that for most of you that's not such a big deal but after the dial up stuff, I'm pure magic.......come on you must remember the time you switch over........kinda like remembering where you were when you heard that Princess Diana died.

What a great day......hanging out at the hyperdome with Jo, shopping for fun not for necessities something I haven't done for have, socks, cds, dvds, a new hat.......Jo says I am one of those people who naturally look good in hats......not so sure. Love shopping with her, we try on clothes, on hats, on sunglasses, most of the time just for fun coz we know we will look like a freak show in was a blast.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

On the 20th of September I......

Worked on the Annual Report
Was grumpy all day
Folded 3 loads of washing
Organised to talk to someone about broadband (yes, I know its absolutely absurd that I am still on dial up)
Thought about applying for jobs but didn't actually do anything