You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The time to pull out the proverbial finger is nigh

After two weeks of slackness, bootcamp starts in a week. Have been veging today as in denial that this Saturday will be my last Saturday to sleep in for 8 weeks.

Did potter today, sort out my CDs and stuff. Tomorrow will have to clean out the Nissan in preparation of trading it in........a sad, but exciting day.

Off to have some toast now.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

If I were interviewed by Map Magazine

Every month, I hang out for the new Map Magazine, for those of you that don't know it....its a free to press magazine that just rocks with local stuff. Every month they interview people of note and ask them things. If I was interviewed by Map Magazine as a person of note (lord knows its only a matter of time) here's what I'd have to say.....

Brisbane's Best Kept Secret - Willimena Park on Mowbray Terrace....a quaint little park with bbq and gazebo that look straight up at the old Queenslander where 48 Shades was shot.

Favourite Coffee Place - MYO Mary Street. Every morning we buy our coffee there on the way to work. They know our name and our order and Jodie always writes our name or draws a little picture on the lid.

Best Breakfast in Town - still on the quest to find it......currently running at number one is Cirque on Brunswick Street at New Farm.

What is your favourite part of the city and why - Mowbray Park, love to sit there on a Sunday afternoon, see the people walk past with their dogs and watch the ferries cruise along the river.

What is the best cultural experience in the city - local theatre, especially Harvest Rain......just amazing.

What your to-die-for-resaurant - (assume New Farm Sushi Station doesn't count here?) Circa, fabulous food, great service, plan on trying their new bistro, Era at South Brisbane later this month.

Where is the best place in the city for a visitor to kill an hour - Queen Street Mall and surrounds, from the plush shops of Queen's Plaza to the kooky stores in some of the arcades, its got it all.

What's your don't leave town without doing - Dessert at Freestyle, a must!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Turtle Day

Crawled right back into my shell today and only left the house to get my washing and then didn't even have to leave the yard.

Tomorrow we get right back into the healthy lifestyle and stuff. NO MORE SLACKING!