You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Sunday, November 19, 2006

And Christmas is nigh.....

Well the Gingerbread Lattes are back at Starbucks which can only mean we are in the down hill run to Christmas.

I have spent the whole weekend under the radar, trying to recoup a bit from working too hard and not being seems to be working.

So from Monday, can get back on the horse so to speak and ride the wave of Christmas year into the new year.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The sweetness of honey and the sting of bees

2 June 2004

I long for your strong arms around me
For you sweet, gentle kisses
On my lips, on my skin, on my soul
Taking me to another place
Far from the hurt and the pain
Far from my real world
To a place
That can only be found in your arms

3 June 2004

You see straight through me
Like I'm glass
All the gloss and glitter swept away
By a single glance
Stripped bare and vunerable
Before your eyes

A quote by William Wharton

'What is love? As far as I can tell, it is passion, admiration and respect. If you have two, you have enough. If you have all three, you don't have to die to go to heaven.'

A quote from American Beauty

Everything that is meant to happen does.......eventually

one more.....27/01/04

I peaked through the gate
In the walls around you
Glimpse a wonder garden
Of your emotion
And lost the sight
Just as quickly

Spring Cleaning.....poems

Over the weekend have done a bit of tidying up, found some old poems I wrote a few years ago.....

27 January 2004

How did it happen?
That I gave you a piece of my heart
So quickly?
It's been raining
Since you left me
High and dry on the island of my emotion
By chance
I hope you return
Some day
To the place in my heart
Forever reserved
For you

27 January 2004 - Howzat, a cricket poem

Where di you come from
Into my heart like a pace bowler
And then gone again
Just as quickly
How is it?
That I didn't truly realise
What I had
Until the stumps were packed up
Momenets you could see my soul
Like exposed wickets
Yet you retired
Before the test match had even begun.

27 January 2004

I hold you in my mind
The only place I have left
Surrounded by the essense of you
Just a shaddow
On the edge of my conciousness
The storm can't wash away these feelings of you
Marks still showing
As reminders of what could have been
You penetrated me
So deeply
Holes that will never close over
Gaps that only you can fill