You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A face mask and Abba

Right, first off don't tell Nell I am actually listening to Abba. Started my new job today.....well its really just a higher level in my current branch. Found it a bit challenging after the easter break and not having to manage staff or run a project in months. Stayed back til 6.30pm, just to get sorted and get my head around looking forward to it though. Still no word from K......have a sneaking suspicion I have been wiped.....we'll see.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Bipolar or what.....

I again got Markhamed when leaving work this hour later, geez! Although tonight's little convo turned out to be quite interesting. This guy, who I generally think is afraid of me coz I actually know that most of the stuff coming out of his mouth is rubbish and the rest of the branch doesn't, treats me like a minion to do his bidding most of the time, occassionally he speaks to me like I have the mentality of a two year old.

And then every so often he does the complete opposite.....its seems today was an opposite sort of day. Brooksy is leaving on a 10 week secondment back to QT where he came from. That leaves us with a vacant AO8 and a 7-11 Strategic Plan to complete. Now there's an 2xAO7's in the branch me and an older, more experienced woman who's been there longer. I simply assumed that they would give the opportunity to her, no questions asked. However, today I discover Nell has been planting seeds with Brooksy that I would be the perfect candiate to take over in his absense. Not surprising really, Nell and I have a mutual appreciation society.

Imagine my surprise when tonight I also discover, that Marks has been chatting with WW, the Director suggesting that the job should go to me......

Not getting my hopes up.....but its nice to be suggested for positions etc. Just wish I could work out which days Marks loves me and which days he doesn't.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007


What a crap day. Dragged myself out of bed and to work against my better judgement. Got there to discover my desk had been moved while I was away and that I now sat in a different place. My pc wouldn't work properly, my telephone number hasn't been transfered and to top it off payroll reckon they have overpaid me......all this before 9am.

So of course I did what any self respecting career public servant would do, I chuck an enormous tantrum.

Got markhamed at 5.15pm, so stuck talking to my boss until after 6pm.

At least we won netball, although to be honest my heart wasn't in it.

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Irish Flu

I actually threw a sick day today, something I honestly haven't done in years. As I see it, since they still after 6weeks haven't managed to pay me right, then the least I can do is throw a day off. That and I went out last night and woke up with the world's most crackingist headache this morning.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, dropped Mum off at the airport, exchanged a dodgy BBQ (new one still sitting downstairs waiting to be put together), had a great and cheap breakfast at the Stones Corner Hotel (, tried to get in for a pedicure but discovered we would have to wait an hour so gave it a miss.

Went to meet K at the Normanby at about 9pm, they of course had been there since much earlier. Note to all: don't try to get a park at the Normanby.....its hell, drove around for ages (and back and forth due to damn one way streets etc) till I finally found one. At about midnight ended up back a his place with some of his friends and partied on until around the 2am mark. One last hurrah I spose from my perspective, unlikely to see him again before he leaves for Melbourne and as I've said previously that's most likely going to be the end of all the fun. :(