Back in the big smoke......
Well I have arrived safely back in Brisbane......and of course immediately wanted to head back bush......I'm so difficult to please!!
Just a little addendum to the Fraser notes......on Thursday night while waiting for the courtesy 4WD at the Dingo Bar (secret bar up on the hill, which is not on the resort map and is where all the backpackers and staff go) Leisha spotted a dingo......To some this may seem insignificant but it's actually not. There is a dingo fence the whole way around Kingfisher Resort to stop the dingos getting in....its supposed to limit their interaction with people and also prevent them from scavenging from the hotel bins and buggering up the ecosystem etc......with this in mind that damn dingo had no business being where it was. Was pretty cool actually. We told the driver on the bus and when we ran into him again on Friday morning he said that he spotted it that morning at about 6am. He told us that it had been spotted a bit and the rangers couldn't work out how it was getting in. Crafty dingo, I say.
Now that I am back, first item on the agenda is find a place to live and stop being the girl with "no fixed abode". So have been on searching just now.....a few options about, so will make some calls this afternoon and probably tomorrow start driving around looking at places. Staying with Trudy and the pups is great but am just dying to out of a suitcase is driving me crazy!!
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