You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Random Thoughts.....

  1. Why is my profile pushed to the bottom of the page?
  2. When am I going to stop procrastinating and got over the applications for tomorrow's interviews?
  3. Why doesn't anything dry in this house?
  4. Why am I worried about upsetting someone when I can't even remember what I did?
  5. How is it that the out of perspective stuff is always the stuff that people get so agro about?
  6. I wish everyone would just leave me alone sometimes.
  7. God, I want a cigarette!
  8. I really, really should cut my credit card would be good for my soul.
  9. I just don't feel like talking.....
  10. That's it really

Daydream.....the round up....

So, Daydream Island was good.....4 days was just the right amount of time. Friday consisted of vegging round the resort checking it out. Saturday we headed over to Airlie Beach for the markets and general tourist shopping. Sunday morning we headed on the ferry to Hamilton Island for the morning and then onto Whitehaven Beach in the afternoon.

High points:
  • Beautiful Whitehaven Beach
  • Actually getting in the water even though it was freezing
  • The chef's omlette on the breakfast buffet
  • A red corvette......frangelico, midori and strawberries
  • A free shot from the lovely bartender, Karis

Low points:

  • The strong winds
  • Not being able to kayak to South Molle
  • The Airlie markets.....a bit of a let down
  • Noisey wedding guest who thought they owned the island
  • The cost of all the food and drinks at the resort
  • Having too many cocktails and spewing lettuce

The big question.....would I go again......most definately, for a nice relaxing break, with enough cash up my sleeve to frequent the relaxation spa.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Whitehaven Beach

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Daytripper's jetty
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Sunset at the south end of the island
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The mermaids
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The view looking north.....check out the wind
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Well here's some happy snaps from Daydream Island
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Friday, July 21, 2006

Day 1 - Daydream Island and a strong wind warning

With Nell's words ringing in my ears ("remember the last time you had an island holiday, there was a cyclone") - I set off for 4 days on Daydream Island and right into the middle of a strong wind warning from Bowen to Double Island Point.

The weather here is actually very nice, except for the gale force winds.

With an happy flight up here, during which Ruru announced that she felt that she required a carer due to her forgetfulness, and then a milk run bus tour down to Shute Harbour we hit the water.....the choppy water. After arriving on the island we headed to our room, where Ruru put the porter into a spin by announcing that he'd bought the wrong bags......which of course he hadn't.

We've snagged a beach room unstead of a garden room so that's very nice. We then set off for a squiz around the resort which managed to end at happy hour in the Lagoon Bar.......all time favourite (so far) is the Red Corvette (well, I like cars) which is Midori, Frangellico and Strawberries - just scrumptious.

Also for those who remember the "Shirley Temple" conversation from New Farm Bowls Club......a Shirley Temple is orange juice, lemonade and grenadine.

Ruru is off having a massage at the Rejuvenation Spa as I type and tomorrow we are off to Airlie Beach for a day trip, followed by a trip to Hamilton Island and Whitehaven Beach on Sunday.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

yesterday I......

.....showed anyone who would look my sore finger
.....did a lot of web surfing
.....started to freak out about my new job
.....saw a great show at the Harvest Rain Theatre (
.....had a great meal at the Moray Cafe (

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

On Tuesday I:

Wagged walking to work
Got my eyes tested and my prescription stays the same
Bought Danelion tea to help Slops with her bloating
Got mail from my mum
Hurt my finger pretty bad a netball

Monday, July 17, 2006

On Monday I:

  • wagged boxing
  • organised a corporate netball team
  • rescheduled my doctor's appointment
  • started packing for Daydream
  • developed a story to lie to a mate's boss

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The cheesecake

Well, since I spoke about the cheesecake in an earlier post, I thought I best add a pic of it.

Other than that, not much really. This weekend I:

  • Went to Week 1 of the next 8 week boot camp and my abs are killing
  • Tried to go swimming but the QUT pool is empty....repairs or something
  • Rearranged my bedroom
  • Mentally prepared myself for work again.....yuk.....but only a 3 day week next week as I am off to Daydream Island on Thursday....yay!

Back to the Top 100 books....

Well a lot has happened since the last time I referred to this book list (24/2/06). I finished Number 9: Tomorrow When the War Began, John Marsden......not to bad but the book ends without answers.....obviously to entice you to read the series.

Then I got a bit lucky.....having already read the following on the list:

10. Magician, Raymond Feist - one of my all time favourite books

11. Bronze Horseman, Paulina Simons - Jo loaned me this book last year. Really enjoyed it but it does go on a little.....looking forward to reading the rest of this series as soon as Mother Hen digs them out for me.

12. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling - have read all the HP books except the last one. Really enjoyed them but after you have read some heavy duty Fanasty books like I have, its obvious that they are children's books

13. The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien - read it at school, not sure what grade.....have also read all the LotR books

14. Bridget Jones' Diary, Helen Fielding - well HELLO big fan!!!!!!!!!! Enough said.

15. Cloudstreet, Tim Winton - another favourite book, read it in high school. And re-read it again recently....however didn't enjoy it as much the second time round.

16. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - see above

17. The Power of One, Bryce Courtney - to be honest have skipped this one and will come back to it.....I have never read a book after I have seen the movie, so skipped to 18 also a BC book to get a bit of a feel for his writing style; which leads to

18. April Fools Day, Bryce Courtney - am about half way through.....a very sad, but very interesting book

Friday, July 14, 2006

Today I.....

....have a hangover
....baked a lemon cheesecake
....have not had a cigarette
....have eaten too much and feel a bit sick
....updated my blog for the first time in ages!