Well a lot has happened since the last time I referred to this book list (24/2/06). I finished Number 9: Tomorrow When the War Began, John Marsden......not to bad but the book ends without answers.....obviously to entice you to read the series.
Then I got a bit lucky.....having already read the following on the list:
10. Magician, Raymond Feist - one of my all time favourite books
11. Bronze Horseman, Paulina Simons - Jo loaned me this book last year. Really enjoyed it but it does go on a little.....looking forward to reading the rest of this series as soon as Mother Hen digs them out for me.
12. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling - have read all the HP books except the last one. Really enjoyed them but after you have read some heavy duty Fanasty books like I have, its obvious that they are children's books
13. The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien - read it at school, not sure what grade.....have also read all the LotR books
14. Bridget Jones' Diary, Helen Fielding - well HELLO big fan!!!!!!!!!! Enough said.
15. Cloudstreet, Tim Winton - another favourite book, read it in high school. And re-read it again recently....however didn't enjoy it as much the second time round.
16. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - see above
17. The Power of One, Bryce Courtney - to be honest have skipped this one and will come back to it.....I have never read a book after I have seen the movie, so skipped to 18 also a BC book to get a bit of a feel for his writing style; which leads to
18. April Fools Day, Bryce Courtney - am about half way through.....a very sad, but very interesting book