You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Monday, January 30, 2006

What a day!!

This is exactly how I am feeling (isn't it funny how a picture of a yawn, makes you want to yawn?). I am three quarters of the way through the lounge room now, so by the time I write again, it should be done. Have found that country music is good to paint to - my mum's a bit of a fan, so grew up listening to these songs and can easily sing along (embarrassing but true). And what is it with paint rollers, how damn hard is it to get all the paint out of them.....damn impossible. Just need to hang on.....only a little bit of the lounge room and the sunroom to go.......
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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Before......Front of House

This is the front of the house before the cladding restumping etc

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After......back of house

Sorry about the mixed up photos, still a bit of a photo uploading novice, can't seem to upload more than one pic at a time, and have buggered the order up.

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After....front of house

And here are the vinyl clad, restumped, rebattoned, new front stairs and cemented underneath
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Before.....Back of house

After a chat with Mad Dog last night, thought I might also upload my before and after shots of the outside of the here is before!
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Friday, January 27, 2006

13 phone calls later.....

The painting is going well. Am half way through the lounge room now....definately on the downhill run as only one room left to go after this one.

I finally have a new phone, which is working along with my email. It only took 13 calls to the network to get it working properly....each time speaking to a completely different person (most with such heavy accents, I could bearly understand them). But we are all sorted now.

My Australia Day was quite uneventful - went out to the Heritage Village just outside of town where they had some events on....the whole thing was pretty lame, but I did run into my uncle and his family. He was out there because he had been nominated for an Australia Day award.

My how things have I am at home with my Gran, completely sober on a Friday night, whereas if I was in Brisbane I would be 3 sails to the wind by now at Smurfs or CBD with Marty or Trudy celebrating the end to yet another sure if nothing else my liver is getting loads of benefit from this holiday.

Have been here 6 weeks already....time flies when you are having fun (NOT)....but am still not even half way through my leave (sorry for rubbing it in!)

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I'm addicted.....

I have a horrible confession to make......while I have never been the type of girl to get caught in the daily soap opera trap (unlike Jo, who I often make fun of), I am now finding myself tune in every day to watch the same program, wondering what will happen in the next episode and pondering the inter-connection of the characters.I'm embarrassed to say this.....but I think I am addicted to East Enders. Somehow, whether Chrissie will take Den back, and whether Alfie will discover that Kat sleep with Andy to pay off her debt to him.....all of a sudden have a new meaning to me. It happened without me even realising, just tuning in a few times coz the old girl likes it, to now actually downing tools at 6pm to sit for half an hour and catch up on the goings on in the Square.

Treated myself to another Captain Nemos torpedo sub (all the subs on the menu have nautical names....very kitsch) die for.....savoury mince, cheese, tomato and onion on the sub then squashed down in a sandwich toaster......YUMMO.

Sorry did I forget to mention that this was also a food and wine tour of Rockhampton and not just a painting expedition?

Monday, January 23, 2006

Woo Hoo!

Yippee! The Kitchen is finished! We're now on the downhill run. Fiddly bit today with the pantry, but other than that pretty easy.

Tomorrow I starton the lounge room. Have made an appointment for a massage tomorrow afternoon - to celebrate finishing the kitchen but also because my shoulders are killing me! Just not use to this type of heavy duty work.

Jason rang tonight, he received his 30th birthday present in the post from me today. It's a fab framed scorpion from . The guy who runs the site was very helpful and very professional. Would recommend them.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Dog Tired

What a painting today but lots of cleaning. Other than that not much to report......hanging to get my new mobile phone on Wednesday so I can access my three email again.

Tomorrow is set for yet another painting finish the kitchen in fact......YAY!

My mother is currently sitting on the sofa, playing bridge.....with herself. Kooky?

I hate heavy duty cleanning as soon as I have had dinner, its a long shower for me.......always feel dirty, like somehow the dirt came off the floor onto me.....probably did in fact.

My shoulders are killing me - very tight and sore, will make a massage appointment for Tuesday I think, celebration for finishing the kitchen.

The Kitchen.....

The kitchen is almost finished....looks FAB, even if I do say so myself. The only bit left to do is the wall behind where I stood to take this photo. Not sure if that's where the fridge will go, but it needs to be out of the way so I can finish the painting. After seeing how great this looks, I have refound some motivation to keep going.
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Cool things about Rockhampton

  1. The quiet
  2. My family
  3. Taffy's Softdrink, especially Sparkling Cocktail
  4. Captain Nemo's
  5. Rain on the tin roof
  6. Pizzas from the Lionleigh
  7. Setting my own hours
  8. Austar
  9. The Criterion
  10. Afternoon naps

Things I miss about Brisbane

  1. My air-conditioned workplace
  2. Cheap movies at the Balmoral
  3. Gingerbread Lattes
  4. Long baths (ok a bath at all)
  5. Belly laughs twice a week at Netball
  6. Kilkenny pints at Smurfs
  7. Verdelo at Citizen
  8. Drinks with Marty after a hard days work
  9. Being a social butterfly
  10. Ruru

Saturday, January 21, 2006

An afternoon well spent!!

I might not have gotten much of the painting done today but I have managed to almost master this blog.....can actually upload pics now.....see below!! A bit proud of myself actually.

Time to log off now, for a shower before eastenders......didn't mention my addiction did I, another time perhaps.....

Colours.....the rest of the house

Here are the colours for the hallway, kitchen, lounge and sunroom. Vanilla Frost for the walls and Minestone for the trims. Am seriously very close to being completely over the painting!!!
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How does this damn Hello thing work?!?

This is how I am feeling about trying to work out how to load a picture to my blog with Hello! Except in this picture I have wine.....maybe wine would help?
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Bedroom Colours

Looks like I am finally working out how to upload photos - AT LAST.

This is the colours of the bedrooms.......turtledove for the walls and vocanic ash for the skirting. slack have I been!!!!

Just realised I haven't posted since the 3rd. Painting going nicely......a bit stalled in the kitchen unfortunately but am sure it will come good.

My mobile got stolen last night, but that I mean that I think I dropped it in the cinema and whoever found it didn't hand it in. So spent most of this morning in the cop shop and on the phone trying to organise a new phone, which won't be here until Wednesday because my carrier doesn't have a store outside of Brisbane. Just typical......that will teach me not to be with Telstra, the only company who even has a crack (ok a really bad crack) at looking after the bush.

So after speaking to 4 different sales consultants, most of whom I found difficult to understand, I have managed to get a new phone on the way. But can't access the email linked to my mobile until I get the new phone and activate the number.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Well my 2006 resolutions are the same as always.....lose weight, quit smoking, save money. Got mum to drop me at the pool this morning on her way to work, swam some laps then walked home. Finished my NYE packet of cigs this morning, so am of course dying for one (literally ha ha). The smoking will be the hardest......when there is nothing to do but paint, a smoke break helps break the monotony......really want to ring mum and ask her to pick a packet up on her way home.......this is typical me....keep moving the goalposts......I will give up when I arrive in Rocky, no no I will give up after Christmas, no wait New Year, or maybe after the painting. Think its coz I don't actually want to give up at all.

Am 1/3 of the way through the master bedroom, have knocked off for a few hours coz it gets the afternoon sun and its way too hot in there. Went out this morning and picked the paint for the lounge, kitchen, sunroom and hall.....vanilla frost for the walls and minestone for the hey.

Keep posted for tomorrow's blog which will most definately see me cave in for a cigarette.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to 2006......

I hope your entry into the new year was a lot more eventful than mine. I was invited to a party not far out of town, 20 adults and 16 children and me. With the majority of the conversation about either mortages or children, I really had very little to add.....gave me a small glimpse of perhaps what my life would have been like had I of not jetted off to the rat race. My lift hurt his shoulder early in a game of pool...I know, what the?!?....and I was home at Wandal by 10.30pm. I am very embarrassed to admit that I fell asleep on the couch and work up at 12.16am, having missed the whole thing....must be all that heavy labour that I'm not used to.Other than that.....I have finished one room....only 4 and a half to go. Started on the master bedroom and will get back into it tomorrow, as I gave myself NYE and new years day off. I have also discovered that our local does great pizzas and that the bakery at Wandal does a fantastic caramel slice.....its the small things that keep me going.Happy New Year........and all the best will those resolutions.