You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Friday, March 10, 2006

So much to write....

There's so much to write and so little time left on my clock at the web dot points it is:
  • Still house hunting, still looking at loads of dumps. Have my heart set on a place but can't get in to inspect until Monday.
  • I am up to Cloudstreet on the top 100 books list.
  • Netball last night was great. Bit surreal being back at the centre after so long. I actually thought I played pretty well considering it has been 3 months since I have even touched a netball. Link to the WIT site for a full match report.
  • Party plans are progressing if you haven't sent your song in, DO IT NOW
  • Other than that just catching up with all and sundry now I am back.

I am glad to be back....kinda.....ok really. I guess it really all sunk in on Wednesday while I was walking along George Street and a homeless guy exposed himself to me.......that sort of thing would never happen in Rocky. Off to the Breaky Creek tonight for a great steak and a few cooling (and calming after the week I've had) ales with the netball kids. Think of me completely hungover tomorrow won't you........


Blogger freethoughtguy said...

Steak and Ale? You just inspired my appetite!

12:06 PM


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