Spreading the love.....
The girl "without a present abode" moved to Bardon last night. Don't worry, Trudes and I haven't had a falling out or anything dramatic, she just needs the rooms for family and alike. So I am now camped down with Karen and Scott until a more permanent residence pops up. I've gone from a two dog house to a two cat house, and am actually a little afraid that Steed might attack me at any moment (those of you who have met this cat know exactly what I mean).....he was certainly giving me death stares this morning (the whole like.....what are you doing here? sort of thing. However Thomas seems to think I'm ok, and hung out with me a bit this morning....so one out of two ain't bad.
On the rental front, Slops and I put in an application for a house yesterday, just round the corner from where I was living before the great northern adventure. They ran our referees etc yesterday afternoon, so hopefully it won't be too long before we find out if we are successful.....but until then the house hunt continues.
The weekend was great as I took the trek to the coast to see Jo and Jason (my poor little car has done so many kms lately). On arrival there was cheese and there was wine from Jo's personal cellar (ok, the cupboard under the stairs), so of course we were pissed by 5pm. But a good time had by all.