You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spreading the love.....

The girl "without a present abode" moved to Bardon last night. Don't worry, Trudes and I haven't had a falling out or anything dramatic, she just needs the rooms for family and alike. So I am now camped down with Karen and Scott until a more permanent residence pops up. I've gone from a two dog house to a two cat house, and am actually a little afraid that Steed might attack me at any moment (those of you who have met this cat know exactly what I mean).....he was certainly giving me death stares this morning (the whole like.....what are you doing here? sort of thing. However Thomas seems to think I'm ok, and hung out with me a bit this one out of two ain't bad.

On the rental front, Slops and I put in an application for a house yesterday, just round the corner from where I was living before the great northern adventure. They ran our referees etc yesterday afternoon, so hopefully it won't be too long before we find out if we are successful.....but until then the house hunt continues.

The weekend was great as I took the trek to the coast to see Jo and Jason (my poor little car has done so many kms lately). On arrival there was cheese and there was wine from Jo's personal cellar (ok, the cupboard under the stairs), so of course we were pissed by 5pm. But a good time had by all.

Friday, March 10, 2006

So much to write....

There's so much to write and so little time left on my clock at the web dot points it is:
  • Still house hunting, still looking at loads of dumps. Have my heart set on a place but can't get in to inspect until Monday.
  • I am up to Cloudstreet on the top 100 books list.
  • Netball last night was great. Bit surreal being back at the centre after so long. I actually thought I played pretty well considering it has been 3 months since I have even touched a netball. Link to the WIT site for a full match report.
  • Party plans are progressing if you haven't sent your song in, DO IT NOW
  • Other than that just catching up with all and sundry now I am back.

I am glad to be back....kinda.....ok really. I guess it really all sunk in on Wednesday while I was walking along George Street and a homeless guy exposed himself to me.......that sort of thing would never happen in Rocky. Off to the Breaky Creek tonight for a great steak and a few cooling (and calming after the week I've had) ales with the netball kids. Think of me completely hungover tomorrow won't you........

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The things we see.....

Well, I am officially on the house hunt.....and my oh my the dumps I have seen. By the end of the first day I was ready to slash my wrists. I have found a place that seems perfect but can't get in to see it until will keep you posted.

Other than that not much to report......birthday party invites are on the way out as we speak. Party plans are progressing nicely.

Off to hockey training tonight to see if I can get into a team.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Back in the big smoke......

Well I have arrived safely back in Brisbane......and of course immediately wanted to head back bush......I'm so difficult to please!!

Just a little addendum to the Fraser notes......on Thursday night while waiting for the courtesy 4WD at the Dingo Bar (secret bar up on the hill, which is not on the resort map and is where all the backpackers and staff go) Leisha spotted a dingo......To some this may seem insignificant but it's actually not. There is a dingo fence the whole way around Kingfisher Resort to stop the dingos getting in....its supposed to limit their interaction with people and also prevent them from scavenging from the hotel bins and buggering up the ecosystem etc......with this in mind that damn dingo had no business being where it was. Was pretty cool actually. We told the driver on the bus and when we ran into him again on Friday morning he said that he spotted it that morning at about 6am. He told us that it had been spotted a bit and the rangers couldn't work out how it was getting in. Crafty dingo, I say.

Now that I am back, first item on the agenda is find a place to live and stop being the girl with "no fixed abode". So have been on searching just now.....a few options about, so will make some calls this afternoon and probably tomorrow start driving around looking at places. Staying with Trudy and the pups is great but am just dying to out of a suitcase is driving me crazy!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Fraser Island - Day Three

The rain has well and truly set what better day to do a Beauty Spots tour.....NOT. Lake McKenzie is swimming in a lake that has been filled up with a million bottles of Mt Franklin. So there we were, enjoying a wonderful swim.....trying hard not to look at the frolicing that was going on down the beach a bit.....and in comes the rain. And it just kept on much so that at most spots it was raining so much that we couldn't even get out of the bus. We stopped for lunch at Eurong Resort (on the other side of the island) where we met Troy.....who lined us up as trouble makers straight who were we to disappoint him.

Highlight of the day was a dingo siting.....a young female pushed out onto the track by some ranger to ensure that each guest has something to write home about. Our tour guide Steve was great, very knowledge.....but he did look a bit like a womble in that yellow raincoat.

Even at this time it is STILL raining........the pool is over flowing.........and from here we will make a mad dash to the pub where we like the rain will settle in for the night.

Fraser Island - Day Two

Waking up a little seedy we proceed to the most expensive buffet breakfast ever (yes, $26). The rain had really hit us and there was little to do without getting soaked. I speak from experience......trudding all the way to the lookout, in order to see nothing but rain and then getting completely saturated on the way back.

Night activities included a dingo talk with Ranger Alana and then a night walk tour.....essentially spotlighting. The most eventful sites were me getting hugged by a European tourist who wasn't looking where she was going and two cane toads mating.....NICE.

Fraser Island - Day One

After 4 or so hours in the Nissan with Leisha impersonating a sardine, we reached Hervey Bay. When at the coast, one must eat Fish and Chips and walk around a bit to regain feeling in their toosh. The ferry ride was quite uneventful, however we did discover the real Thelma and Louise, who found the two of us incredibly interesting and were absolutely fasinated by everything we had to say.

Upon arrive we were bussed to the reception where we were provided with a complimentary drink.......unfortunately not alcoholic. An introduction talk lead by Ranger Dave was interesting....mainly because he was kinda cute. So we got settled in our room (which is at the arse end of the hotel). I will neither confirm not deny how much of the cocktail list was consumed on the first night.....except to say that we now have our own cocktail.....Sex in a Storm, specially made for us by our newest friend John the bartender (shame he needed to tell us all about his recent divorce). Further to say, that I will also neither confirm not deny a vicious rumour that we went skinny dipping in the resort pool......only one poor late night cleaner knows for sure.