You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Synchronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.

I began thinking about syncronicity today. Its something that happens to me quite a bit but have noticed it quite a lot lately. Just today was at a friend's place looking at his CD stand, there was only one CD in the stand that I also own - Presidents of the United States. About half an hour later we went for lunch and over the speaker comes a song of that album.

It turns out that the same friend's ex works with a girl that I used to go to school with. I hadn't seen this girls in two years when we were both at a mutual friends wedding. Since I mentioned her I have seen her twice.

Think I might try and keep better track of when these things happen.......freaky!?!

Number 96

Since below in my 100 list I referred to how I have started writing poetry again, I thought I would publish something. I have loads of poems in storage, which I am now dying to get out and re-read. Here's something I wrote last week:

How can I fill the gap left by you?
How can I turn from the morning sun?
It slips through my fingers like sand
The thought of you
The touch of your skin
The taste of your lips
How can I keep the memory of you alive?
When you are not there to remind me

100 Things about me

I've seen this on other blogs, so thought I would give it a try....took me about 3 weeks to finish this list.....was much harder than I thought it would be.

1. I am an only child.
2. My mother is also an only child.
3. We are both Aries (birthdays two weeks apart) but couldn’t be more different.
4. My first name is hyphenated because my mother and grandmother had a fight about what my middle name should be.
5. My middle name is May (as in the month of).
6. My mother bought a dog a few months before I was born (practice maybe?). We grew up together. He was a dalmation cross called Poncho.
7. I have played hockey since I was 7.
8. My favourite hockey position is centre half.
9. I grew up in my Grandparents house.
10. When I was upset as a kid I used to climb the tree in our backyard.
11. When my grandfather died, I climbed the tree and wouldn’t come down.
12. I have a scar under my chin (three stitches) from practicing diving in the bath when I was about 8.
13. The first boy I kissed was Lindsay Smith. It was Grade 7 Break Up day. I never saw him again.
14. My first job was helping at the commercial laundry where my mother works. I hate going there now.
15. I went to a private high school on scholarship.
16. I went to the Formal with Gunua Dane, a really hot PNG guy. I was the only one game enough to ask him.
17. My first proper job was for Best and Less (who still don’t have scanners). I was hardly ever allowed to be on the registers and spent most of my time in Manchester.
18. I failed my first driving test because I almost crashed the driving school car, right outside the testing centre.
19. I have only been out of Australia once, but have travelled most of Queensland.
20.My first real boyfriend’s name was Wayne Bennett.
21. I moved out of home when I was 18.
22.My first car was a white KB Ford Laser.
23.I have had 4 cars – 2 were written off and one was taken off the road for not being road-worthy.
24.I am related to two Australian Olympians.
25.I have been engaged once.
26.I have never been a bridesmaid.
27.I haven’t had a pet in 4 years.
28.I won a Geography Bursary when I was in Year 12.
29.I have had long hair most of my adult life.
30.I have never been asked to be a godmother.
31. I have been in an ambulance twice – once after being hit in the head with a hockey stick and once after a motorcycle accident.
32.The biggest scar I have is from my left knee reconstruction in 2004.
33.I have only ever broken one bone in my body – my left little finger.
34.I once had two head injuries at hockey in the space of three weeks – hospital attendance both times. I got quite good at head injury questions.
35.I always receive compliments about my hair because it is long and dead straight. I hate it because it makes my ears stick out.
36.I drive a Nissan Vector Viscus LSD – Number 69 of 200.
37.I have never been sacked from a job.
38.I have never been unemployed.
39.I don’t mind washing or folding clothes but I hate putting them away.
40.My favourite colour is red.
41. I have at least 10 matching bra and knickers sets.
42.I can’t stand dirty light switches or when the toilet paper is put on back to front.
43. I have worn glasses since I was 14 and contacts since I was 20.
44.My eyes are blue but I have a small brown spot in my right eye.
45.I have never been thrown out of a pub, I have however been asked to leave.
46.I have never lived by myself.
47.I can type at a registered speed of 77 words per minute.
48.I have been arrested once.
49.When I feel out of control I write lists.
50.I have a fabulously organised Tupperware cupboard.
51. If you took me to a bar and told me I could order anything I wanted, I would order a Crown Lager.
52.When I worked for Eagle Boys, I used to dress up as Aussie Eagle and wave at traffic.
53.I can’t stand cane toads and squeal if they come near me.
54.I have one tattoo which I got when I was 18.
55.I have two piercing holes in my right ear. The second one I did myself. I haven’t worn an earring in it in years but it still hasn’t closed over.
56.I have a heart murmur.
57.I didn’t start smoking till I was 19 and moved to Brisbane.
58.The first thing I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a hairdresser.
59.Is the number of my grand parents house.
60.As a kid, I used to sit at the bar of my Grandad’s local with him and drink raspberry and orange juice. Made me feel really mature coz it was like a tequila sunrise without the tequila.
61. I never ate tomato till I was about 25.
62.I had to watch the Matrix twice before I understood it properly.
63.I love the Muppets and Fraggle Rock. Basically anything with Jim Henson puppets.
64.I never understood why no one could see Mr Snuffleupagas.
65.At pre-school my symbol was the pansy. There was a sticker of a pansy where I put my port and where I hung my face washer. My mum told the teacher I loved pansies, she was right and I still do.
66.The smell of honeysuckle reminds me of my Great Grandparents house at Depot Hill.
67.I always eat what I least like on a plate first, leaving my favourite thing until last.
68.I have an unnatural love of my couch. In fact it’s probably the only piece of furniture I wouldn’t part with, although I do like my bedroom suite very much.
69.I keep thinking that I could easily fill this list up with sexual stuff, but realise that my work collegues might read it.
70.My favourite book is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett. In fact it’s the only book I have read more than once.
71. I had read Lord of the Rings long before there was a movie.
72.My 21st was a Hookers and Deviates party – I went as Pocacuntis
73.I am allergic to Cold Power, Pamolive Gold and rubarb – I know what the?!?
74.I have only been snow skiing once, but it really did nothing for me.
75.I actually like lime flavoured milk.
76.Was the year I was born.
77.Mobile phone should actually be removed from my person after about 4 or 5 beers.
78.I sang on stage with Peter Allen at the Warana festival when I was about 9.
79.If I say I am going to do something I do it.
80.My favourite quote is: Real friends stab you in the front.
81. I have started 3 university degrees and one associate diploma but have never finished any of them.
82.I have studied a semester of Childcare.
83.I love pistachios……roasted and salted but especially pistachio gelati.
84.When I am upset I have a Turkish Delight. I eat all the chocolate off, then eat the jelly.
85.I don’t know how to connect a TV, video or DVD.
86.I like abseiling but hate rock climbing.
87.I have never been in a hot air balloon.
88.I have never had a threesome or kissed a girl.
89.I seriously want to travel to India and Egypt.
90.My one regret to date is that I haven’t travelled enough.
91. I am incredibly cynical and have been referred to has “the bitter old spinster”
92.I have loads of nicknames: Sully, Sunshine, Ferret, Kid, Blur, Spacey
93.I support the Brisbane Lions (AFL) and the Wests Tigers (NRL).
94.I like my coffee with milk but no sugar.
95.I love good Indian food. Emphasis on “good”
96.I have recently started writing poetry again.
97.I love stationery…..beautiful paper and beautiful pens.
98.I keep a handwritten journal as well as a blog.
99.I have a motorbike licence and used to ride a Ducati Monster.
100. I love to laugh.

Well, I'm all packed up...

Ok, well almost....there's just some washing on the line, the computer and then managing to fit it all in the car.

So, what have I learned from this little adventure.....?

* That I could do it. That I could actually paint a house all by myself
* I've learnt an awful lot about my Granmother. Had the priviledge to listen to lots of stories about when she was younger that I had never heard before.
* There are lots of things I miss about living somewhere less rat racey......such as, the quiet and the friendliness of the people.
* That no matter how far away I am my extensive network keeps me in the loop.
* And I have learnt that sometimes you meet the most amazing people, when you least expect it.

So farwell to Vegas........and back to the Great South East.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

God I'm angry!!!!!

After spending a significant amount of money on Friday to ensure that the Vector was ship-shape for the trek home.....on a routine trip to the shops today, she over heats.

I pop the bonnet only to discover that the mechanics have left the radiator cap off......there it is tucked snuggly in the engine bay enjoying the ride.

In a worse case senario, this minor oversight could cost me another small fortune to have it put right.....and the good news.....well it might take some time for any problems caused by the overheat to raise their little heads.....yes, ie, I might not know there's a problem until I am halfway back to Brisbane.

Robbo's Motor Works are very lucky they are not open today.....or else they would have copped the sharp edge of my temper......I do intend to pop in for a little "chat" on Monday but by then both me and the car will have cooled down significantly.

I rang my mum to tell her and she was even more furious than me.....kept insisting I ring Quick Fit (also owned by Robbo) and demand to speak to Robbo himself and give him a piece of my mind.

Seems we are all overheating a bit today.

Friday, February 24, 2006

My last missive....

Well I just sent my last broadcast email to the troops. This time next week, I will be well on my way back to the big smoke after a refreshing break on Fraser.

I finished My Sister's Keeper yesterday. What a great read....amazing twist at the end and I did have a cry even though I had read the end (couldn't help myself) and knew what was going to happen anyway.

Am now on to:
9. Tomorrow, When the War Began - John Marsden. Have only just started, so no real idea what the books about....the blurb on the back doesn't give much away except to say...."asks the biggest questions you will ever have to answer". So will let you know.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Coffee with the Relo's

Well, Uncle Viv and Aunty Stas (as in short for Stasia, as in short for Anna-Stasia) came over this morning to view the painting. Needless to say I was kinda nervous about their reaction......of course I had nothing to worry about. They both ooo'd and aahhh'd at the correct moments and then we just chatted about all sorts of things.

By now Leish is no doubt in count down for her holiday.....ok, her trip to Vegas to see me. Damn surely you are all very jealous!! Will take her to the town's hot spots (right, so that should take about 10mins), unfortunately no rodeo on this weekend. Will take off from here next Tuesday, Fraser is all booked, so cocktails here we come!!!!! I have never been to Fraser before but everyone from Sutho to the Frank (the Australia Post guy) keeps telling me it beautiful.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Put on your Party Frock

The countdown to the 30th of the year of the year has begun (ok so I started counting last year, but hey). We are having a little trouble negotiating the price so are getting some quotes from other venues so may change the venue or use them to get a better price at our original venue choice. Mad Dog (bless his little cotton socks) has taken my original draft invite, tremendously improved it and got it ready for printing. Invites should be out around 6 watch your mail box. Once we get the venue sorted the rest will practically take care of itself (I hope).

Can't wait should be a SUPER night.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Limbo Land

I feel so lost. Nothing left to do here in Vegas, house is painted, quotes for next bits are in.

I am starting to get itchy feet to go back to the big smoke. Want to sit and have a beer with my mates, play netball, find somewhere to live (so I am no longer the girl with "no fixed address") and get back into it.

But part of me is so happy here, one because I am not working but also because the pace of life is so much simplier. For example the hardest thing I had to decide today is what to have for dinner. I love being able to sit on the front steps at night and actually see the stars. I love that at midnight, the town is so quiet I can hear the freight trains pass down Denison Street. I love that you see so many different types of birds in the backyard, cockatoos, galahs, willy wagtails, doves.

Who am I kidding........except for the fact that mooching around Rocky doesn't pay my bills and that often I want to headbutt my mother......I would quite happily stay.......well for at least a while longer.......just not for good.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Top 100 Books

A few weeks ago, I decided that I was going to try and read my way through the Top 100 Books (

1. Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown - I have already read this, I mean who hasn't right. It was good and I thoroughly enjoyed it even though some of the things that happen to the main character are a trifle unbelievable.

2. Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien - I read this trilogy years ago, even before the movies. Found the middle book incredibly slow but over all it is one of the best trilogies of all time.

3. Pride and Predjudice, Jane Austen - I technically haven't read this but have listened to it as a book on tape with my Gran.

4. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee - Had to read this one at high school, maybe Grade 10 or 11.

5. Memoirs of a Geisha, Arthur Golden - I read this one last year. Jo, who also happens to be a Japanese teacher lent it to me along with another book about Geishas. A very interesting cultural read.

6. Angels and Demons, Dan Brown - Personally I liked this one better than The Da Vinci code, particularly the Masonic references.

7. Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold - I read this one a few weeks ago and thought it was great. An interesting tale of a young girl who is murdered and her story told from heaven.

Which leads me to:

8. My Sisters Keeper, Jodi Picoult - I started this today. The tale of a young girl who is only conceived as a bone marrow donor for her sister. Will let you know how I go with it.

Of the others, I have read 17 of the remaining 92, not a bad start. Of those 17, there is one which I think I will re-read - Cloudstreet, Tim Winton - I read this when I was in Year 12 and remember loving it, so might give it another go.

I am not the sort of person to re-read books. In fact there is only one book I can think of that I have actually read more than once.......Good Omens, Terry Prachett. My introduction into the fantasy genre and I have never looked back.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Red Red Wine

While UB40 played at the Great Western last night, I stayed in and drank copious amounts of red wine (in fact there was a walk to the bottle shop to get more....not a good sign) coupled with far too many Marlboro Lights (yes, I am still smoking, not that any of you would be surprised by that).

I woke up feeling pretty good this morning, no headache for a start, but have been flat as a tack all day. Have eaten far too much crap and drunk far too much coke in a effort to brighten my spirit (hey it normally works).

Am I just out of practice?.......not sure coz normally I wouldn't be this tired but would be much sicker. Suppose I should be greatful for small mercies.

It is starting to register in my head that I will be coming back to the big smoke all too soon. Plan to dawdle my way back via a few well earned days on Fraser Island (I'm thinking cocktails by the pool with big pieces of fruit and those paper umbrellas on the side).

Then find someplace to live......Slops and I are probably going to move in together (as flatmates, mind out of the gutter please, although still a little embarassed about those farewell party pictures). Not sure where but the hunt will begin in earnest on my return, as would like to be moved and at least a little unpacked by the time I go back to work (work I remember that, keeps me in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed).

Friday, February 17, 2006

South of the Border.....

Well I went for my pamper session......and just let me say beauty has a long way to come in the dusty town. I arrived on time but they were running 30 mins behind, and the whole thing seemed to take so long....ended up being there 2 and a half hours for something that should have only taken 1 and a half. The girl who did my nails did a shocking job, so much so I can home and re-did it myself (maybe I missed my calling?).

The other girl was actually quite good, did a wonderful facial and lash tint and brow wax. Didn't take as much off my eyebrows as I would have liked but since they were so overgrown she wouldn't have known what they were supposed to look like.

I went to Rio today and the facial girl did the wax. Her very first time to South America......poor chick. The senior was supposed to do it but because they were so far behind, all the appointments got swapped around when different beauticians were free, they just took who ever was next. Facial girl was sooooooo nervous and kept profusely apologising for hurting me (and to be honest at times it hurt like hell). Right in the middle of the wax the senior strolls in to get something, without even knocking or saying excuse me. And I mean that's exactly what you need.....your snatch exposed to all and sundry. In the end, it didn't turn out so bad, and she did a pretty good job for a first time.

Don't waste the pretty

And for me the pretty starts at about 10am today. In celebration of completing the god forsaken painting I am going for a pamper session....mani, pedi, facial, wax. Might pop into the Wild Parrot (kitsch little coffee shop, which doesn't open until 9am - yes really) before I go to Bolsolver Beauty, which unlike the name suggests is not on Bolsolver Street but on William Street no where near Bolsolver.

Congrats to the netball team on yet another I might be playing finals after all hey? Also another big congratulations to Cil's team (can't remember what you guys are called now, but previously known as Switches) for beating the Skanky Ho's, in particular Miss Aerobics Oz Style. Am so sorry I wasn't there to witness the amount of cat's bum that would have been going on after the game. Good on D and Leish for filling in.......see you girls rock.

Anyway off to prepare to be plucked and prodded (god almost wrote probed, making it sound like an alien abduction rather than a session at the beauty shop).

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How the hell is all this going to fit in my car?

Started organising all my bits and pieces today, and it suddenly dawned on me exactly how much stuff I have to cart back to Brisbane. Thank God, I have a reasonable sized sedan and not a tiny little two door hatchback.

List includes:
One large (extremely large) suitcase
One small suitcase
One sports bag
Two beauty cases
One very large Hong Kong shopper bag (full mostly of all the books I was going to read while I was here and didn't)
One medium sized sea grass basket
One medium sized plastic basket
One large jewellery box
One occassional table
One box of ceramic canisters (my first ebay purchase)
One fruit box full of CDs
One PC
One storage tin full of candles
Box of 6 wine glasses
One handbag
One backpack
One popple
and me if I can fit!!!!!!!

Holy Heck.........just looking at that list makes me worried!

On a much happier note, got an exciting little package in the mail today.......some MOR bath products......Pistachio flavour (thanks Sutho). Mmmmmmm love pistachio. Love to eat them (very morrish). Pistachio happens to be the colour of my Estimates power suit and most importantly........Pistachio Gelato solves every problem! (Lucky I haven't struck any issues of Gelato proportions since I've been here - wouldn't even know where to find it).

Thank you to all of you who have sent me little care packages while I have been away. Frank, my local Australia Post guy (yes, of course we are on a first name basis) is always pleased to see me (or at least appears to be) - even tried to help me fine the one package that went astray (damn NZ post!).

The bedroom furniture arrives tomorrow......but not doubt I will spend the whole day waiting around for them to arrive. Will give me more time to pack I guess.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Words to the wise....

Never I repeat NEVER, try and get take away from the Malaysian Hut on Valentines Day. Took us over an hour to get our take away order instead of the usual 20mins.

On the upside, spent the time I had to wait by driving over to check out the brand new IGA at Glenmore - woo hoo, Rocky is starting to join the 21st Century. Bigger than the IGAs I've been too in Brisbane, and I would say more well stocked than my fave - Chris' at Carina (except that's where Bus Boy shops, so every time I go there pray I don't run into him).

Even though I had to wait so long, the food was fabulous like it always is, so needless to say I'll go back.

The after photos....2

Here's a shot of the master bedroom.....very sunny in there this afternoon, so hard to get a good shot
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The after photos - 4

This is the back of the door in the second bedroom with a little pooh arm poking through (don't worry he's ok).
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The after photos.....3

Another shot of the lounge room....remember the donut teapot anyone?
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THe after photos.....1

Here are some of the after photos as promised. This is looking from the sunroom, through the lounge room to the bathroom. Those with a keen eye will spot a picture of Baby Sully on the wall.
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I got chocolates.....

Ok, one chocolate from the lady at Muffin Break with my coffee. But it was a heart so it does count as a Valentine. Couple that with the attached Valentine from the Hoff. Ok, an email from Janeo including a picture of the Hoff. But hey, at least that's better than nothing!!!!

Spent the day cruising round the shops......mmmm......air-conditioning. Bought some lovely wine glasses. Yes, I know, yet another thing to squash into my car for the trip back. Why is it that I always have 5 times as many things to take back to Brisbane than I arrive with.

Thank you all for your lovely emails and texts congratulating me on completing the painting. And no, I have no intentions of returning to Brisbane to paint your house (Adrian Davidson!)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Stick a fork in me.....

I'M DONE! Woo Hoo, do a little happy dance......the painting is finished. Tomorrow will be moving furniture back into place and then cleaning up, seeing there is stuff strewn from one end of the house to the other, as I moved methodically through each room with paint, brushes and that god forsaken roller (needless to say, my graditude to it was delivered by reverently dropping it in the wheelie bin un-rinsed).

Have booked a big pamper session for Friday morning as a celebration. Can tell you that my splintered nails and spotty face (the heat's a killer) will thoroughly appreciate it! Will also be nice to see what my nails look like with polish on them instead of low sheen easy coat.

Am having some bedroom furniture delivered on Thursday......some side tables and a tallboy (unfortunately a wooden set of drawers and not a real male (damn!)). True to "just typical" form, the fabulous sofabed I want had to be ordered and will not be in until after I leave. But at least now the sun room is finished I can go back to sleeping on the fold out (in the same position all night as so skinny (the bed, not me) you can't actually turn on it without landing on the floor) rather than the couch.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Or at least that's what the stamp that I scrubbed off my arm yesterday said. Halleluiah, finally a fabulous night out!! For a moment there I thought I was going to turn into a pumpkin, what with no social life to speak of and worst of all no beer. Thankfully the hangover was no where near as bad as it should have been, although Karen would be so upset, as the whole drinking water thing went right out the window. A couple of nurofen and some KFC helped set me on the road to recovery.

On the painting front, only one section left to go in the sunroom (OMG can't believe that I am nearly finished). Moved the piano this afternoon. It was no where near as heavy as I thought would be. Had put it off all afternoon only to discover that I could clumsily move it by myself.

Happy Birthday to Kath - hope you had a great day......haven't got a photo of you to post but maybe Nell could slip me one (perhaps the very attractive one of the PRT team getting sloshed on wine that I understand is being used as part of a current presentation......hope at least its a flattering one of me!)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Local woodwork

How beautiful is this!! Picked it up at the Yeppoon markets very cheaply (when compared to Brisbane prices). Hand made by a local senior. Now just have to work out how everything is going to fit in the car. PS also check out new rug in lounge room (to go with new paint).
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When the push comes to shove.....

Well, it was bound to happen, in fact, thought it would have happened long before now. I mean, we are up to the 9 week mark. Not sure if anyone was really taking a book (or just kidding around), but if you had money on it - day 57 is the winner.

I have to say it.......I've had enough, I want to go home (or in this case away from it). Don't get me wrong, I love my family dearly but after 2 or so weeks together a year and a weekly phone call for the last 10 years.......57 days in a row is obviously my limit.

Thank god, this milestone arrived when I only had 3/4 of a room to go, otherwise I know that I may have just downed tools and hit the road back to the big smoke. But since I am so, so close to finishing, hell, I might as well.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Feeling completely unloved....

Hardly any emails from the big smoke today......jokes and netball stuff from Mad Dog, an email from Ruru telling me to watch out for the train, something from Adrian entitled "weird toilets" which I can't download and an email from Smel telling me I missed a half hot window washer today (that kinda sucks....seeing my cube is by the window). Spose I should "shut up" Brado style, that should be more than enough news from the big smoke to keep me sustained.

Got on with more of the sunroom today, am still on track to complete it by mid next week.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Plodding on.....

Tackled some more of the sunroom today. Can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel (what's that saying? it's really an oncoming train?).

Am not looking forward to having to move the piano (yes, I said piano!).

Thought for the day: Does lip gloss ever run out? I remember buying so much lip gloss over the years but I never remember ever finishing a lip where have they all gone? Are they in the same place that the missing socks are?

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Sunroom begins.......

Started on the Sunroom today, although why I would want to paint over this lovely colour (Mum says its called Flame) I don't know. Have knocked over the undercoat and the first coat today (on the first section), on with the final coat tomorrow, then move some furniture around and start all over again. The joys of painting!
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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Mother Hen!

First of all Happy Birthday to D for yesterday. Hope you had a great day! Sorry I couldn't be there to share it with you, but promise I will shout you some middies when I get back.

Not much to report at this end, having another easy day, just pottering before I undertake the mammoth chore of painting the sun room (biggest room in the house, plus the junk room so lots of dusty bits and pieces to move out). Sorry there hasn't been any house pictures for a while but the batteries are flat in the dig camera (think I accidently left it on).

Moment of Humour: This morning my gran helped by folding up the washing. She had in her hand a delicates bag, which I took back into the bathroom. She asked if I wanted her to fold it up, I said, do you know what it is. Of course she replied, it's to put on your head. A few moments of confusion ended when she told me she thought it was one of the bandanas I had been wearing to keep the paint out of my hair. As yet the paint fumes have not addled my brain enough to make me wear a lingerie bag on my head, but give me time.

Also, have discovered that Where is Todd is on its way to being a complete box of crayons. Earlier this week, Cil sent out one of those get to know you far we have the following crayon colours: red, purple, yellow, green and blue......not a double up yet.

The weather has turned hotter here, since Cyclone Jim left Townsville alone and and headed out to see. No rain about, so prefectly clear days. Am off to the movies to see Walk the Line tonight, even bought a Johnny Cash CD yesterday (it was very, very cheap) to bone up on some of the songs.